Rainbow Valley Landfill is an environmentally friendly 316 acre EPA and ADEQ permitted disposal site with many years of space available.
The total time to enter, weigh, and exit the Rainbow Valley Landfill is approximately 10 minutes.

Acceptable Wastes
- Green waste
- Construction Debris
- Demolition Debris
- Inert Material
- Rubbish
Unacceptable Wastes
- Asbestos
- Contaminated Soil
- Hazardous Waste
- Liquids and Food Waste
- Medical Waste
- Tires and Batteries
Rainbow Valley Landfill
From the City of Maricopa, take SR 238 West 13 miles to 91st Ave., go North 1 mile, then West 1 mile to 99th Ave, then North one more mile to the Rainbow Valley Landfill.
39500 S. 99th Ave.
Mobile, AZ 85139
M - F: 5:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sat - Sun: Closed